Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well. I guess my day wasn't as exciting as Alex's (or was it? >:D) but I got a picture!
and, my post is above his HAHA!
I finished early in art today, mostly because I was very sketchy and vague, but since i had lkie 20 minutes extra, i decided to fool around...because thats what class is for [I think the best part of class is getting stories from the teacher's experience, they are always informative and good food for the brain to munch on and think over and flip around and stuff,...well if you are a creative person like me at least:P]

so heres what I inappropriately incorporated (get it..!)

In class we hang up our drawings and walk around and "critique" [or talk, like the non geniuses do]. I secretly & purposely put drew them there cus I knew it people would see it-->thus advertisement!
so yeah, when people went to mine, i heard some happy laughs. They liked. So you should hurry up and order before they do!

[btw the marks are there because we had to pick the best ones]

thats a sneak peak i probably shouldn't have shown you.
It's freezing! I think we need some WolfMuffin Gloves (limited edition only) to shtay warm and toashty! :D

-Princess Momo!! [hopefully you can tell my writing apart from Alex's lol]

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